Hi! We are XRAI Technologies Incorporated!

We craft innovative high end digital solutions for clients anywhere.

We offer transformational services to small and medium-sized businesses to analyze and optimize your business processes. By utilizing the latest automation and artificial intelligence software we can connect your systems together, create clean workflows, and develop world-class efficiency in your organization.



Knowledgeable and skilled with decades of expertise



Customized Solution Approach

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business automation_XRAI
Dedicated to improving our work life

Our experience will help you create a better business

We don’t want to participate in layoffs or mass employment loss.  Our solutions are designed to take the routine, soul crushing work away from your employees so that they can contribute more fully in value-added activities and improve your capacity and grow. 

Hours of Soul-Crushing Work saved
Processes Optimized
Jobs lost due to automation
10 years
Combined years of experience
100+ years

Guaranteed work

While we can't guarantee results we stand by our work and will guarantee that it will be quality.

Breadth of experience

With access to our international partners and affiliates we have experts in Accounting, Business Process Reengineering, AI, and Automation.

Work from Anywhere

While we are located in Nova Scotia Canada we have partners throughout the world that can support your implementation goals.

Industry's leading experts

A team that can change your business!

Local talent combined with the best available around the world, XRAI Technologies will be able to bring solutions to your company.

Get in touch! We are looking forward to start a new project.